Tài liệu Đế thi HSG quốc gia T.A 2010 - Pdf 82

Môn thi : TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian thi: 180 phút
Ngày thi: 11/3/2010
LISTENING (4/20 points)
Part 1: Questions 1- 10
A woman is talking about the last few days of her flight around the world in a small aeroplane.
Listen and answer the following questions by either choosing the correct answers or supplying
your own answers in the space provided. (You do not need to write full sentences.)
1. The woman pilot is going to talk about her flight _________.
A. from London C. back to London
B. over Norway D. around Europe
2. Who met her when she landed in Norway last week?
A. Her husband and son C. Two of her colleagues
B. Two of her friends D. Two other pilots
3. They gave her _________ before she resumed her flight the next morning.
A. a Norwegian breakfast C. an English breakfast
B. a Continental breakfast D. a nicely-cooked breakfast
4. What did her son do in Germany?
A. He was a chef. C. He was a pilot trainer.
B. He was a pilot. D. He was a cook.
5. Which part of her plane had problems on Monday?
A. One of the engines. C. One of the front wheels.
B. One of the back wheels. D. One of the wings.
6. She finally landed in Holland _________.
A. with great ease C. with big difficulty
B. with some difficulty D. without any problems
7. Where in Holland did she spend her time?
8. She was to meet ________________________________________ in the north of England.

Number of books to read (29) (30)
Day of the first lecture (31) (32)
Topic of the first lecture (33) (34)
Strategies for attending lectures (35) (36)
Strategies for reading (37) (38)
First assignment (39) (40)

II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (6/20 points)
Part 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in
the numbered box.
41._______________________________________________________ Turn off this radio, please. The harsh sound really
me crazy.
A. takes B. worries C. bothers D. drives
42.______________________________________________ The Martins have confirmed their strong to charity by
donating a lump sum of money again.
A. compliance B. commitment C. assignment D. reliance
43._______________ His of the safety regulations really
cannot be ignored any longer.
A disregard B. unfamiliarity C. carelessness D. inattention
44.________________________________ Mrs. Jones was in deep after her husband's unexpected
A. regret B. grief C. lament D. disturbance
45.________________ She fainted when she heard that her
mother died.
A. utmost B. most all C. all most D. almost
46.______________________________________________ The other party has raised a number of to the reforms in
the tax system.
A. problems B. objections C. difficulties D. complaints
47.__________________________________________________________________ My older brother is extremely fond of
astronomy. He seems to _________________________________________a lot of pleasure from

exerted a substantial influence on the public psyche.
A few years later, even (54) _________ (KNOWLEDGE) astronomers
such as Percival Lowell seriously advocated the possibility of life forms as
described in his book Mars as the Abode of LIfe (1910). Consequently, Mars
began to take a special place in popular culture around the turn of the 20

century, (55) ___________(CONTINUE) until today. However, this does not
(56) __________(LITTLE) the unique role of Mars in the history of science.
Specifically, the (57) ____________(DOCUMENT) of the movement of
Mars, by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), led to the formulation of his three
laws of (58) _____________(PLANET) motion which shattered mediaeval
anthropocentric notions of astronomy and laid the foundations for the
(59) ___________(DISCOVER) of Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Like no other
planet, Mars has left (60) _______________(REPLACE) marks on human
imagination and thought.
0. historically
51. ____________
52. ____________
53. ____________
54. ____________
55. ____________
56. ____________
57. ____________
58. ____________
59. ____________
60. ____________
Part 3: The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Underline the mistakes and correct them
in the space provided in the column on the rIght. (0) has been done as an example.

your answer In the numbered box.
Man has made great strides in all the field of science, particularly medicine. For instance, research work in
the laboratories at last (71. CONQUER) _________ poliomyetis, one of the most devastating diseases. Although the
Salk vaccine (72. NOT BE) _________ one hundred percent effective, it (73. DECREASE) _________ the cases of
polio considerably.
Tuberculosis once (74. KNOW) _________ as the white plague (75. STUDY) _________ intensively. As a
matter of fact, it is curable if it is defected in its early stages. We still have cancer (76. DEAL) _________ with, but
research workers and dpctors over the world are striving to find a way to prevent and cure it. (77. JUDGE) _________
from past experience we can expect that encouraging news (78. ISSUE) _________ from time to time.
Heart disease, the greatest killer of mankind, is now in the process of being overcome. An example of the
techniques that (79. DEVELOP) _________ is that of heart massage: When a heart stops nowadays while the patient
is under anesthesia, the doctor opens the chest, massages the heart and revises the patient. Even a few years ago,
such an operation would (80. BE) _________ inconceivable.
Your answers
71. 76.
72. 77.
73. 78.
74. 79.
75. 80.
Part 5: Fill each gap in the following sentences with one of the prepositions or particles in the box.
Use each word only ONCE and write your answer in the numbered box. (Please note that the
given words outnumber the gaps.)
across at against apart between by
in of out over under for
81. The committee does not approve of any immediate changes. They say the modifications should be
introduced step ________step.
82. She felt a bit dizzy and had to lean ________the wall before walking on.
83. "We can't give up. Now that we have gone through the most difficult part of the route we must
reach the destination ________any cost."
84. There has been a rise _________the number of people buying their own cars.

93. A. potential B. conceivable C. capable D. possible
94. A. wide B. broad C. full D. vast
95. A. in B. about C. over D. on
96. A. collapse B. jumble C. destroy D. demolish
A. avert B.evade C. abstain D. restrain
98. A. activity B. motion C. progress D. reaction
99. A. factors B. phenomena C. points D. ingredients
100. A. settlers B. citizens C. inhabitants D. burghers
Your answers.
91. 92. 93. 94. 95.
96. 97. 98. 99. 100.
Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable sentence from the list A to
E for each gap from 101 to 104. (There Is one extra sentence which you do not need
to use.) Then, choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the questions from
105 to 110. Write your answer in the numbered box.

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