giao an anh van 8 - Pdf 65

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson , Students will be able to remind the ways of leaning English
in the class and at home.
I. Knowlege: - How to learn English 7
II. Skills: - Speaking / listening/ writing.
III. Teaching aids:.
B. Produces:
I. Settlements:
- Greetings.
II. Warm up: * Lucky numbers
1. How are you today? 6. Where is your classroom?
2. LN 7. LN
3. How old are you? 8. What is the date today?
4. Which grade are you in? 9. LN
5. LN 10. When do you go to school?
III . Revision :
1. SIMON SAYS: ex: T: Simon says " sit down"
.Ss: Sit down
T: Stand up.
Ss: Sit down.
- Keep silent - Open / close your books and note- books.
- Listen -Look at the board
- Listen and repeat - Ask and aswer the questions
- Read again. - Go to the board
- Copy down. - Work in pairs/ groups
1.What is fuction?

- Ask Ss to match A with B:
Pretty good Không tệ lắm
How is every thing? Tôi củng vậy
Nice to see you Khá tốt
So am I/ me, too Mọi việc như thế nào?
Just fine Bình thường
Not bad Rất vui được gặp bạn
Checking: R .O . R
b. Dialogue ( A1 p. 10)
- Match on the board
- Practice
- copy down.

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
- T: reads
- Aswer the questions: a, b, c,
key: a, Her name's Hoa.
b, She is in class 7A.
c, Nam is also in class 7A.
2. Practice:
a. Gap- fill: A4 ( p12-13)
- Ask Ss to fill in the gaps in two dialogues
- Aswer key:
b, Picture Cue Drills: A5( p. 13)
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and write the letters
of the dialogue in the order they hear( 3 times).
- Aswer key: c-> b ->d -> a
3. Further- practice: A3p. 12
a, Practice dialogue in pairs

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
LESSON 2: A2 ( P. 11)

A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson , students will be able to get information about Hoa and
review the simple present, comparisions, much, many, alot of, lots of...
I. Knowledge; - The simple present,comparisions/ much/ many/ alot of/ lots of
II. Skills: - Reading.
III. Teaching aids: - a picture / by computer.
B. Produces:
I. Settlements: - Greetings.
II . Revision: - Correct exercise 3 p. 4 in exercise book
II. New lesson:
Teacher's activies Students' activies
1. Pre- reading:
a. Pre- teach:
- parents (n) : (example)
- different (adj) from : (translation)
- unhappy (adj) : (antonym)
- (to) miss (v) : (translation)
Checking: What and where
b. Set the sence: Ask Ss to look at the picture
and answer the questions:
- Who is this?
- What is her name's school ?
- Is she in grade 7?
C, T/ F prediction: Ask Ss to guess about Hoa.
1. Hoa is from Hue.
2.She lives with her parents in HaNoi.

3. Post -reading: Model sentences
ex : She has alot of friends in Hue.
I haven't got much money.
- Note: Much + UCN
Many + CN
Alot of/ Lots of + UCN/CN
- Use: - Much /Many are used in the negative
sentences or questions.
- Alot of/ Lots of are used in the possitive
- work in small groups (5mins)
- give feed back.
- give the examples.
- give the form and the use.
-Copy down.
IV. Consolidation: - Fill in the gaps with '' much/ many/ alot of''
1. I don't have ............... time to read books.
2. There are too................ pictures on the wall.
3. She drinks .................... tea.
V. Homework:
1. Learn by heart new words.
2. Do exercise A4(p. 4- in exercise book)
3. New lesson B1, B3(15- 16 in text book)
VI. Complements:

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
Date: Monday 6th ,September, 2006.
Grade: 7

- What are they doing?
- Practice new words( listen and
repeat -> give meaning -> stress.
- copy down.
- look at the picture and answer the
- It's in the classroom.
- This is Mr Lien. She is a teacher.
- They are students.They are leaning.
- Listen the dialogue:

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
*T: reads
*Aswer the questions:
a. Who is Hoa talking to?
b. Where does she live?
c. How does Hoa go to school?
key: a, She is talking to Nam.
B, She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street.
C, She goes to school by bike.
a. She is talking to Mr Lien.
b. IT's Pham.
c. It's Thi.
d. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street.
2. Practice:
a. Word Cue Drills: Ask Ss to make dialogues in
1. Hoa 2. Nam 3. Linh
Le Nguyen Tran
12 14 15

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
V. Homework:
1. Learn by heart new words.
2. Do exercie B1- 2 (in exercise book)
3. New lesson B4-B5( in text book)
LESSON 4: B4- B5 P. (16-18)

A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson , students will be able to ask and aswer about distances.
I. Knowlege: -The simple present tense.
- How far is it from........... to...........?
It's (about)......................................
II. Skills: - Speaking / listening.
III. Teaching aids: - pictures/ a computer.
B. Produces:
I. Settlements: - Greetings.
I. Check-up: - Correct exercise B3p 16 in text book.
- key: 1. Who 4. Where
2. Who 5. Where
3. Which 6. How
II. New lesson:

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
1. Presentation :
a. Pre- teach:
Far : ( antonym)
(a) Distance : ( example)
( a) Bus stop : ( picture )

Practice new words( listen and
repeat -> give meaning -> stress.
- copy down.
- look at the picture and answer the
- It's on the street.
- They are Hoa and Nam.
- They are cycling.
- Listen the dialogue:
- work in dividually-> pairs -> give
feed back.
a. She is talking to Nam.
b. .She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao
c.She goes to school by bike.

- ss give the example:
S1: How far is it from your house to
S2: It's about 1km.
- copy down.
- T-> Ss-> T
- Close pairs -> open pairs.
S1: How far is it from [your house]

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
3. Zoo / market / 3oom .
4. Musuem / stadium / 1km.

T : Good afternoon, class.
Ss: Good afternoon, teacher.
T : How are you?
Ss: I' m fine, thank you. And you?

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
T; How many students are there in your class?
S1: There are ...........
II . Warm up: Noughts and Crosses
- Work in two groups.
- ex: S1: How far is it from your house to [the park] ?
S2: It's [1km].
II. New lesson:
Teacher's activies Students' activies
1. Pre- listening:
a. Pre- teach:
- ( a) letter (n) : ( object )
- in the center : (translation)
- (a) pocket (n) : (object )
Checking: What and where
b. Set the sence: Ask Ss to look at the map and
answer the questions:
- Is Lan's house near school?
- Is school far from the movie theater?
c. Guess:
1. How far is it from school to Lan's house (m)?
2.How far is it from Lan's house to the post office
( m)?
3. How far is it from school to the movie theater

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
- Aswer key: 1. It's about 200m.
2. It's in the center of HaNoi.
3. It's in her pocket.
.3. Post -listening: B7 p.20
Name: ___________________________
Means of transport: _________________
Distance: _________________________
- Work in pairs to survey:
- Questions: 1. What is your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. How do you go to school?
4. How far is it from your house to
- Correct:
2. It's in the center of HaNoi.
3. It's in her pocket.
- Work in pairs to complete the
- Then report the survey in front of
the class:
Ex: Her name's Nga. She lives on
Huu Nghi street. She goes to
school by bike. It's about 1km
from her house to school.
IV. Consolidation: Put the questions basing on the answers:
1. My middle name 's Van.

II. New lesson:
Teacher's activies Students' activies
1. Presetation:
a. Pre- teach:
-(a) telephone number : ( example)
- (a) telephone directory : (picture)
- personal information (ucn) : ( antonym)
- (to) call someone (v) : (mine)
b. Presentation dialogue A3p. 20:
* Set the sence: Ask Ss to look at the picture and
answer the questions:
- Who are they?
- What are they doing?
* Listen to The dialogue:
* Model sentences:
ex: S1: What's your telephone number?
S2: It's [ 8 262 019].
* NOTE: How to read telephone number:
ex: 8 211 900:
C1: eight - two one one- nine oh oh.
C2: eight - two double one- nine double oh.
- Practice new words( listen and
repeat -> give meaning -> stress.
- copy down.
- Answer the questions:
- They are Hoa and Lan.
- They are talking.
- Listen and practice
- Give example -> practice

- Listen to the tape -> Discuss in
pairs -> give feedback:
a. 8 251 654 d. 8 351 793
b. 8 250 514 e. 8 237 041
c. 8 251 936 f. 8 821 652
- Correct:
IV. Consolidation:
- How to read and listen telephone numbers well?
V. Homework:
1. Learn by heart new words.
2. Do exercise A5(p. 9- in exercise book)
3. New lesson A4- A5 (21- in text book)
VI. Complements:
Date: Tuesday ,September 19th, 2006.
Grade: 7
Period: 8

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
LESSON 2: A4- A5 ( P. 21 )
A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson , students will be able to use the simple future tense to talk
about actions or events in the future.
I. Knowledge; - The simple future tense .
III. Teaching aids: - a picture / by computer.
B. Produces:
I. Settlements: - Greetings.
T : Good afternoon, class.
Ss: Good afternoon, teacher.
T : How are you?

- Do exercise individually.
1. late
2. meet
3. tomorrow
4. free
- Answer the questions:
- They are Phong and Tam.
- They are calling.
- Listen and practice it -> Aswer the

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
questions:( Short aswers)
1. Who will meet tomorrow?
2. What will they do?
3. What time will they meet?
4. Where will they meet?
Aswer key: 1. Phong and Tam.
2. to sea a movie
3. at 6.45
4. in front of the movie theater.
c. Model sentences:
ex: S1: What will they do tomorrow ?
S2: They will sea a movie tomorrow.
-> The simple future tense :
d. Form:
+ I / We + WILL/ SHALL + V( inf)......
YOU/ THEY/ SHE?........+ WILL+ V( inf)...

a. I will go to the market next
b.. They willnot stay at home
c. Will Lan go to the zoo next
d. He will watch TV tonight.
- Listen to the tape and write
a. 8 545 545
b. a movie
c. Lan's house
d. Bus
IV. Consolidation:
- How to read and listen telephone numbers well?

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
V. Homework:
1. Learn by heart new words.
2. Do exercise A5(p. 9- in exercise book)
3. New lesson A4- A5 (21- in text book)
VI. Complements:
Date: Monday ,September 26th, 2006.
Grade: 7
Period: 9
LESSON 3: B1 - B3 ( P. 24 )
A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about the date, the months in a

11th thirtieth
21st fifth
19th second
30th eleventh
5th nineteenth
b. Months in a year:
- Aswer the questions:
1. How many months are there in a year?
2. What are they?
January = Tháng 1
February = Tháng 2
March = Tháng 3
April = Tháng 4
May = Tháng 5
June = Tháng 6
July = Tháng 7
August = Tháng 8
September = Tháng 9
October = Tháng 10
November = Tháng 11
December = Tháng 12
* Checking: - Aswer the questions:
a. Which is the third month of the year?
b. Which is the eleventh month of the year?
c. Which is the fifth month of the year?
d. Which is the ninth month of the year?
e. Which is the twelfth month of the year?
* Correct:
2. Practice: B2 p 24
- Listen to the tape and write the date:(a-b)

b.The nineteeth.
c. The sixth
d. The fourteenth
e. The seventeenth
f. The thirty- first
- Correct:
- Listen to the tape and write the
- Give feed back:
a.The first of July.
b.The nineteeth.
c. The sixth
d. The fourteenth
e. The seventeenth
f. The thirty- first
IV. Consolidation:
- The date, the months...
V. Homework:
1. Learn by heart the ordinal numbers, the months in a year.
2. Do exercise B1-2( p 10- in exercise book)
3. New lesson B4- B5 (25- 26 in text book)
VI. Complements:
Date: Monday ,Septembe 26th, 2006.
Grade: 7
Period: 10
LESSON 4: B4 - B5 ( P. 25 -26 )
A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson , students will be able to get information about Hoa and
write a student registration form.

C, Prediction: - Guess about Hoa and complete
this form:

2. While- reading:
a. Ask Ss to read the dialogue B4 p. 25 .Then
correct their prediction.
- Aswer key:
b. Comprehension questions:
- Ask Ss to work in small groups and aswer the
- Practice new words( listen and
repeat -> give meaning -> stress.
- copy down.
- Answer the questions:
- These are Hoa and Mr Tan.
- They are talking.
- guess:
- work in dividually-> pairs -> give
feed back.
- work in small groups (5mins)
- give feed back.
- Work in two groups to aswer the

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
quetions( a- e ).
1LN 2a 3c 4e 5LN
6b 7LN 8d 9LN
- Correct and give points.

T : Good afternoon, class.
Ss: Good afternoon, teacher.
T : How are you?
Ss: I' m fine, thank you. And you?
T; How many students are there in your class?
S1: There are ...........
II . Revision: - Ask Ss to write again the date and the months :
S1: - Write the date.
S2: - Write the months in a year.
II. New lesson:
Teacher's activies Students' activies
1. Pre- writing:
a. Pre- teach:
- Birthday (n) : (synonym)
- (To) invite : (translation)
- ( To) Start : (synonym )
- (To) finish : (synonym)
- (an) invitation card : (object)
Checking: Slap the board.
b. Set the sence: Ask Ss to look at the picture
and answer the questions:
- Who is this?
- What is she doing?
c. Read the text B6 p,.26 to aswer the questions:
1. How old is Lan now?
2. How old will she be on her next birthday?
3. When is her birthday?
4. Where will the party be?
5. What's her address?
6. How long will the party last?

- Write your birthday invitation card. ( work in
- Correct
- Correct:
- work in dividually-> pairs -> give
feed back.
- Correct
- Write in dividually:
- Give feed back.
V. Consolidation:
- How to write a your birthday invitation card again
V. Homework:
1. Learn by heart new words.
2. Do exercise B4-5(p. 12- in exercise book)
3. New lesson A1- 3 (29- 31 in text book)
VI. Complements:
Date: Tuesday, October 11th , 2006
Grade: 7
Period: 12

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
LESSON 1: A1- A3 P.(29- 31)
A. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson , students will be able to describe the rooms in their house.
I. Knowledge; - The simple present tense .
- There is / are...................
II. Skills: - lReading/ speaking.

- (a) dryer : (explaination)
-(a) washing machine : (picture)
- (a) refigerator : (explaination)
Students' activies
- Practice new words( listen and
repeat -> give meaning -> stress.

Ngày soạn: ...../...../200… Ngày dạy: ...../...../200… Tiếng Anh 7
- (a) dish washer : (explaination)
b. Checking: What and where
- copy down.
2. Reading: B1 p. 29- 30.
a. Set the sence: Ask Ss to look at the picture
and answer the questions:
- Who are they?
- What are they doing?
- What are they talking about?
b.Listen and read the dialogue to aswer the
questions:p. 30
. Aswer key:
1.They talk about the living room, the bedroom,
the bathroom and the kitchen.
2. Because it's bright and it has nice colors: pink
and white.
3. Practice: A3p. 31
a. Point and say :( work in pairs)
ex: S1:What is it in the picture?
S2: There is [a table].
S2: There are [some chairs].

S1: - Give the form.:
- Practice: T-> Ss -> T-> S1
ex: S1: Is there a bookself?
S2: Yes ,There is.
S1: Where is it?
S2 : It is othe wall and near the
- Give the form.:
- Copy down.
IV. Consolidation:

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