170 câu trắc nghiệm tổng hợp đề mega file word có lời giải chi tiết image marked image marked - Pdf 51

Câu trắc nghiệm
Question 1: Since he failed his exam, he had to
A. pass

B. make

____for it again
C. take

D. sit

C. something

D. one thing

Question 2: Is there _____at all I can help?
A. everything

B. anything

Question 3: Don’t worry. He’ll do the job as
A. economizing

B. economic

Question 4: They tell me about the film

__as possible
C. economical

D. economically

Question 7: 1 don’t suppose there is anyone there, ________?
A. do I

B. isn’t there

C. is there

D. don’t I

Question 8: He wanted to know whose car I had borrowed _________
A. the last evening

B. last night

C. yesterday evening D. the previous night

Question 9: Are you taking _______ this semester?
A. house economics

B. home economic

C. house economic

Question 10: We should participate in the movements

D. home economics

____the natural environment.

C. with

D. from

Question 14: He didn’t know _______ or stay until the end of the festival.
A. whether to go

B. if that he should go C. to go

D. if to go

Question 15: If ______, that tree would look more impressive
A. it is done carefully B. being done careful C. it were careful done D. it were
Question 16: Not only ______ the exam but she also got a scholarship
A. dis she pass

B. she passed

C. she has passed

D. has she passed

Question 17: He was the first person __________.the room
A. entering

B. to enter

C. to be enter

Question 21: He is exhausted because he_______ around the whole afternoon trying to clean the
A. has been running

B. runs

C. is running

D. was running

Question 22: Donald Trump is ________ president of __________United States.
A. the/ the

B. a / ∅

C. the / ∅

D. the/ an

Question 23: John would like to specialize ___________ computer science.
A. of

B. to

C. in

D. at

Question 24: _______ he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came
A. Hardly had

B. had I seen

C. if I had seen

D. if had I seen

Question 28: The twins look so much alike that no one can ______ them _________
A. take/ apart

B. tell/ away

C. tell/ apart

D. take/ on

Question 29: The teacher _______ that he make an outline before writing a complete essay.
A. reports

B. recommends

C. tells

D. says

Question 30: 1 have no patience with gossips. What I told Tom was a secret. He________it
to you.
A. mustn’t read

B. shouldn’t have repeated

D. conducted

Question 34: My younger brother had his hair_______yesterday
A. be cut

B. to be cut

C. cut

D. being cut

Question 35: Remember that things such as language, food and clothing are simply expressions
of our cultural _________.
A. solidarity

B. identity

C. assimilation

D. celebration

Question 36: Waste paper can be used again a tier being _________.
A. produced

B. recycled

C. wasted

Question 40: I ________ very well with my roommate now. We never have arguments.
A. carry on

B. go on

C. put on

D. get on

Question 41: Can you tell me who is responsible ____________ checking passports?
A. to

B. in

C. for

D. about

Question 42: When may father was young, he ________ get up early to do the gardening.
A. used to

B. was used to

C. got used to

D. use to

Question 43: The preparation __________ by the time the guest ___________
A. have finished- arrived

D. not to behave

Question 47: Clark has a wide ___________ about cultures of many countries in the world
A. known

B. knowing

C. knowledge

D. know

Question 48: Be careful with your gun! You __________ wound somebody.
A. must

B. need to

C. ought to

D. may

Question 49: The marathon, first staged on 1896, _______ the legendary feat of a Greek soldier
who carried news of victory from the battle at Marathon to Athens.
A. commemorates

B. commemorated

C. was commemorated

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. has

Question 54: Do you know the person _________ next to you in the evening class?
A. whose sitting

B. whom sits

C. sitting

D. who sit

Question 55: I can’t ________ of a word he is saying
A. make sense

B. grasp

C. comprehend

D. understand

Question 56: Tony Blair is believed ________ for Liverpool last week
A. having left

B. with

C. at

D. for

Question 60: Geometry is the branch of mathematics _________ the properties of time, curves,
shapes, and surfaces.
A. it is concerned with

B. that concerned with

C. concerned with

D. its concerned are

Question 61: Ben went __________ the competition and won the first prize.
A. on

B. in for

C. away

D. through

Question 62: While everybody else in our class prefers working in groups, Ann likes working
A. on herself

B. on her own

D. the higher

Question 66: After twenty years collecting stamps, Tim _________ interested in them.
A. is not longer

B. no longer

C. no longer is

D. is no longer

Question 67: You should concentrate on _________ the teacher is saying.
A. what

B. which

C. that

D. whom

Question 68: Her family has gone to Edinburgh to pay their last _________ to uncle Bin who
died last week.
A. sympathy

B. love

C. respects

D. honors

Question 72: _________ you study harder, you won’t pass the examination
A. Although

B. Despite

C. Unless

D. If

Question 73: Housework is less tiring and boring thanks to the invention of _______devices.
A. environment-friendly

B. time-consuming

C. labor-saving

D. pollution-free

Question 74: By the end of the 21st century, scientists ______ a cure for the common cold.
A. will find

B. will have found

C. will be finding

D. will have been found

Question 75: Last Sunday was _________ that we took a drive in the country.
A. so beautiful day

C. Because

D. Because of

Question 79: He did not share his secrets with other people but he __________ in her.
A. confessed

B. concealed

C. confided

D. consented

Question 80: Only when you grow up,__________ the truth.
A. you will know

B. you know

C. do you know

D. will you know

Question 81: My brother left his job last week because he did not have any __________to
A. position

B. chance

C. ability

Question 85: He managed to win the race ____________ hurting his foot before the race.
A. in spite of

B. despite of

C. although

D. because of

Question 86: I gave the waiter a $50 notes and waited for my ____________
A. change

B. supple

C. cash

D. cost

Question 87: ____________ ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat.
A. Had you arrived

B. If you arrived

C. Were you arrived

D. If you hadn’t arrived

Question 88: There is ____________ in my bedroom.
A. a square wooden old table

C. that

D. when

Question 92: Susan wasn’t in when I arrived. I suppose she ____________ I was coming.
A. must have forgotten

B. must forget

C. may forget

D. can’t have forgotten

Question 93: The new manager laid down very strict rules as soon as he had ____________ the
A. taken over

B. come over

C. taken up

D. taken off

Question 94: Vietnam’s rice export this year will decrease ____________ about 10%, compared
with that of last year.

A. with

C. where my uncle’s room is

D. where my uncle’s room

Question 98: Gordon wants to look his best at the wedding so he’s _________
A. make a suit

B. having a suit made

C. to get made a suit

D. having made a suit

Question 99: This book provides students _________ useful tips that help them to pass the
coming exam.
A. at

B. about

C. for

D. with

Question 100: I won’t change my mind _________what you say.
A. whether

B. no matter

C. because

A. is reading

B. reading

C. read

D. was reading

Question 105: It is recommended that he _________ this course.
A. took

B. takes

C. take

Question 106: We need _________ information before we can decide.

D. taking

A. further

B. farther

C. far

D. furthest

Question 107: I was doing my homework _________ the light went out.
A. after

B. optimistic

C. optimist

D. pessimistic

Question 111: Ben went _______the competition and won the first prize.
A. on

B. in for

C. away

D. through

Question 112: As an _______, Mr.Pike is very worried about the increasing of teenager crimes.
A. educational

B. education

C. educator

D. educate

Question 113: I ________hurry. It’s nearly 8.00, and my first class starts at 8.15.
A. would prefer

B. can’t help

C. can’t

Question 117: The children have every reason to be proud _________ their efforts.
A. at

B. to

C. in

D. of

Question 118: As a famous person _______ many children admire, it is important for her to act
A. whose

B. which

C. when

D. whom

Question 119: A number of students _______ for a rise since last year.
A. ask

B. have asked

C. has asked

D. asked

Question 120: Our flight was delayed, but the plane finally _______shortly after midnight.

C. management

D. running

Question 124: They held a party to congratulate their son _______ his success.
A. in

B. with

C. on

D. for

Question 125: They always kept on good ______ with their next-door neighbors for the
children’s sake.
A. terms

B. relations

C. will

D. relationship

Question 126: He said he hadn’t finished his letter yet _________.
A. by now

B. until then

C. until now

C. effort

D. apology

Question 131: My responsibility is to wash dishes and _________ the garbage.

A. take care of

B. take out

C. take off

D. take over

Question 132: It was only ___________ he told me his surname that I realized that we had been
to the same school.
A. then

B. until

C. as soon as

D. when

Question 133: My wife was so keen on the picture that she paid through her nose for it.
A. paid nothing

B. turned a deaf car

C. complained

D. blamed

Question 137: John proposed __________Mary on a fine day at the crowded beach in their
A. to

B. of

C. on

D. with

Question 138: “Have you __________ this contract yet?” – “Not yet. I’ll try to read it this
A. looked over

B. looked out

C. looked up

D. looked into

Question 139: He left the country ________ arrest if he returned.
A. in fear of

B. under threat of

C. with fear of

Question 143: The city has _________ of young consumers who are sensitive to trends, and can,
therefore, help industries predict the potential risks and success of products.
A. a high proportion

B. a great level

C. a high rate

D. a high tendency

Question 144: It’s not easy to make Lisa furious. The girl is very gentle by _________.
A. herself

B. nature

C. personality

D. reaction

Question 145: ________ eighty percent of the students in our school are eager to work with
foreign teachers, aren’t they?
A. Most

B. Most of

C. Almost

D. Mostly

Question 149: He________ a football game to go out with a girl.
A. satisfied

B. sacrificed

C. preferred

D. confided

Question 150: This device helps you to __________ with other computers and with people
around the world.
A. demonstrate

B. interact

C. content

D. transmit

Question 151: I remembe _________ the letter a few days before going on holiday.
A. received

B. to have received

C. to receive

D. receiving

Question 152: Nam and his family had ________ to their home village.

B. photography

C. photograph

D. photographic

Question 156: My parents________tommorrow to stay with me for a few days.
A. came

B. have come

C. come

D. are coming

Question 157: The police have just found the man and his car___________were swept away
during the heavy storm last week.
A. that

B. which

C. whose

D. when

Question 158: _________, the more terrible the terrorism will become.
A. The more weapons are powerful

B. The more powerful weapons are

Question 162: It is a biological fact that children __________ their parents.
A. take after

B. take to

C. look up

D. care for

Question 163: I can’t__________who it is. He is too far away.
A. take in

B. stand for

C. make out

D. look for

Question 164: Looking down at the coral reef, we saw _________ of tiny, multi-coloured fish.
A. teams

B. flocks

C. shoals

D. swarms

Question 165: A bridge must be strong enough to support its own weight_______the weight
of the people and vehicles that use it.

B. of

C. on

D. for

Question 169: The move to a different environment brought about a significant ________in my
cousin’s state of mind.
A. change

B. impact

C. effect

D. influence

Question 170: When finding a new house, parents should _________all the conditions for their
children's education and entertainment.
A. take into account

B. take actions

C. put pressure

D. put up with


Question 1: Đáp án D

- Which: là đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật và làm chức năng chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ
trong mệnh đề quan hệ.
Vậy: They tell me about the film. They watched it on TV last week.
=> They tell me about the film which they watched on TV last week
=> Đáp án C (Họ kể cho tôi nghe về bộ phim mà họ đã xem trên ti-vi tuần trước.)
Question 5: Đáp án D
- Think (v): suy nghĩ
- Advise (v): khuyên, khuyên bảo
- Expect (v): mong đợi, mong chờ
- Propose (v): đề xuất, đề nghị
=> Đáp án D (Thật là quan trọng để biết cách thức mà các nước phát triển giải quyết các vấn đề
đô thị hóa và đề xuất giải pháp cho những điều này ở Việt Nam.)
Question 6: Đáp án B
- Point /pɔint/ (n): điểm, vấn đề
E.g: She explained her point by drawing a diagram. (Cô ta giải thích vấn đề bằng cách vẽ sơ đồ.)

- Incentive /in'sentiv/ (n): sự khích lệ, sự khuyến khích
E.g: We should provide more incentives for young teachers to stay here. (Chúng ta nên khích lệ
nhiều hơn để giáo viên trẻ ở lại đây.)
Resolution /,rezəl'u:ʃən/ (n): quyết định, nghị quyết
E.g: I made a resolution to find a new job. (Tôi đưa ra quyết định tìm công việc mới.)
- Target /'tɑ:git/ (n): mục tiêu, đích
E.g: If you want to lose weight, you have to set yourself a target. (Nếu bạn muốn giảm cân thì
phải đặt mục tiêu cho bản thân.)
=> Đáp án B (Những lời động viên của Tim đã cho tôi sự khích lệ làm lại nhiệm vụ đó một lần
Question 7: Đáp án C
- Nếu mệnh đề đầu có cấu trúc: I + V (think, believe, suppose, assume, expect, seem, etc.) +
(that) + mệnh đề phụ thì phần hỏi đuôi sẽ theo mệnh đề phụ
“the previous night"
Question 9: Đáp án D
Home economics (n): Kinh tế gia đình (môn học)
=> Đáp án D (Học kỳ này bạn đang học môn kinh tế gia đình à?)
Question 10: Đáp án B
Động từ “organize” trong câu này phải được chia ở dạng bị động mới phù hợp về ý nghĩa. Câu
đầy đủ khi chưa rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ:

We should participate in the movements which are organized to conserve the natural
Do đó, để rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ trong câu này thì chúng ta dùng PP (bị động):
We should participate in the movements organized to conserve the natural environment.
=> Đáp án B (Chúng ta nên tham gia vào các phong trào mà được tổ chức để bảo vệ môi trường
tự nhiên.)
Question 11: Đáp án A
- Get on with sb/ Get along with sb : hòa hợp, hòa thuận với ai đó
E.g: I don’t really get on with my sister.
- Put up with sb/ sth: chịu đựng

ở hiện tại)
E.g: If I had enough money, I would buy a new house.
Vì “do” là động từ thường nên dùng trạng từ đê bổ nghĩa => loại câu C
Đáp án D (Nếu được làm cẩn thận thì cây đó sẽ trông ấn tượng hơn.)
Question 16: Đáp án A
Cấu trúc:
Not only + mệnh đề đảo ngữ (to be/ auxi + S ...) + but... also: không những ... mà còn (Đảo ngữ
với not only)
Đáp án A (Cô ấy không những thi đỗ mà còn nhận được học bổng nữa.)
Question 17: Đáp án B
Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ:
Dùng “to V” nếu phía trước danh từ đó có “the first/ second/ only/....”
E.g: She is the only person who came here yesterday.
=> She is the only person to come here yesterday.
Đáp án B (Anh ta là người đầu tiên bước vào phòng.)
Question 18: Đáp án D
Cấu trúc keep pace with: theo kịp, đuổi kịp
E.g: It is very hard to keep pace with him.
=> Đáp án D (Thật không may, công ty đã phải đóng cửa vì không thể theo kịp với sự thay đổi
nhanh chóng của công nghệ.)
Question 19: Đáp án A
- Trong cấu trúc so sánh,“that” và “those" có thể dùng thay thế cho danh từ phía trước (“that”
thay thế cho danh từ số ít; “those” thay thế cho danh từ sổ nhiều)

E.g: The temperature in Hanoi City is different from that in Ho Chi Minh City, (that = the
Vì vậy: trong câu này, “that” thay thế cho “The climate” ở vế phía trước.
Đáp án A (Khí hậu ở Trung Quốc có nhiều nét tương đồng so với khí hậu của Mỹ.)
Question 20: Đáp án B

- No longer + Đảo ngữ: không còn
E.g: No longer does he live here.
- Not until + mệnh đề/ N, mệnh đề đảo ngữ
E.g: Not until she arrived there did she realize that she had lost her bag.
=> Đáp án A (Anh ta vừa mới đến điểm dừng xe buýt thì xe buýt đến.)
Question 25: Đáp án C
Weather-beaten /'weðə'bi:tən/ (adj): dày dạn phong sương, nắng gió (người)
- Up - to - date /,ʌp tə'deit/ (adj): hiện đại, cập nhật
E.g: The Internet keeps us up-to-date,
- Long -term /,lɒη’tɜ:m/ (adj): dài hạn, lâu dài
E.g: There should be a long-term investment in this project.
- Wide- ranging (adj): trên phạm vi rộng, bao trùm nhiều vấn đề
Đáp án C (Nhiều người trẻ ở khu vực nông thôn không muốn dành cuộc đời của mình trên các
nông trại giống như bố mẹ vất vả của mình. Vì vậy, họ quyết định rời quê hương đi tìm công
việc được trả lương cao ở các khu công nghiệp đang phát triển nhanh.)
Question 26: Đáp án C
Cấu trúc: If + S + had + PP + .... S + would have PP +...(câu điều kiện loại 3)
- Câu điều kiện loại 3 diễn tả hành động trái với thực tế trong quá khứ
Đáp án C (Nếu cô ấy biết công việc này sẽ tồi tệ như thế nào thì cô ấy đã không chấp nhận nó.)
Question 27: Đáp án C
Câu trúc: S + asked + (O) + IF/ WHET HER + S + V (lùi thì) + ... (Câu hỏi yes/no trong lời nói
tường thuật/ gián tiếp)
Chúng ta nhận thấy trong câu này có “the night before” => câu trực tiếp sẽ là “last night”.
Vậy thì của động từ trong câu này là quá khứ hoàn thành (QKĐ => QKHT)
Question 28: Đáp án C
- Tell sb/ sth apart: phân biệt
E.g: It’s impossible to tell the twins apart.

Đáp án C (Cặp song sinh giống nhau đến mức không ai có thể phân biệt họ)

+ Threat to sth: mói đe dọa cho cái gì
E.g: Smoking poses a serious threat to your health. (Hút thuốc lá là mối đe dọa cho sức khỏe của
Đáp án D (Ô nhiễm không khí đe dọa đến sức khỏe con người và môi trường.)
Question 33: Đáp án D
- Give (v): đưa ra
- Proceed (v): tiếp tục, tiếp diễn
- Set (v): cài đặt, thiết lập
- Conduct (v): tiến hành, tàm, thực hiện
+ Conduct an experiment/a survey: lảm thí nghiệm/ cuộc khảo sát
Đáp án D (Những người tiến hành cuộc khảo sát nói rằng họ đã khảo sát hơn 1.000 vụ tai nạn.)
Question 34: Đáp án C
Cấu trúc:
- Chủ động: have sb do sth => Bị động: have sth done by sb (nhờ/ thuê ai đó làm gì)
E.g: I had him repair my car. => I had my car repaired.
Đáp án C (Hôm qua em trai tôi đã đi cắt tóc.)
Question 35: Đáp án B
- Solidarity (n): tình đoàn kết
- Assimilation (n): sự đồng hóa
- Celebration (n): sự kỉ niệm
- Cultural identity (n): bản sắc văn hoá
Đáp án B (Hãy nhớ rằng những thứ như ngôn ngữ, thực phẩm và quần áo là những biểu hiện đơn
giản của bản sắc văn hóa chúng ta.)
Question 36: Đáp án B
Produce /prə’dju: s/ (v): sản xuất
- Recycle /,ri:’saikl / (v): tái chế
- Waste /weist/ (v): lãng phí
- Preserve /pri’zɜ:v / (v): bảo quản, giữ gìn, bảo tồn
Đáp án B (Giấy loại có thể được sử dụng lại sau khi được tái chế.)

Used to V (bare-inf): đã từng làm gì (diễn tả thói quen đã từng có trong quá khứ nhưng không
còn ở hiện tại nữa)
E.g:’ He used to swim here when he was a child. (Anh ấy đã từng bơi ở đây khi còn bé.)
- To be/ Get used to + V-ing: quen với làm gì/ điều gì đó (hiện tại)
E.g: I am used to getting up early. (Tôi quen với việc thức dậy sớm.)
Đáp án A (Khi bố tôi còn trẻ thì ông thường thức dậy sớm làm vườn.)
Question 43: Đáp án B
Câu này diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác trong quá khứ
Cáu trúc: S+ had + PP + by the time S+ V2/ed
Mệnh đề trước mang nghĩa bị động vì chủ ngữ là “the preparation”
Đáp án B (Sự chuẩn bị trước đã hoàn tất trước khi khách đến.)
Question 44: Đáp án A
Câu điều kiện loại 3: If + s+ had + pp s+ would have pp... (Sự việc trái với thực tế ở quá khứ)
Đáp án A (Nếu anh ấy biết địa chỉ cô ấy thì anh ấy đã mời cô ấy tới dự tiệc sinh nhật mình vào
tuần trước rồi.)
Question 45: Đáp án D
Cấu trúc: S + asked + (O) + WH- + S + V (lùi thì).... (Câu hỏi tường thuật)
Tomorrow (trực tiếp) => the following day (gián tiếp)
Tương lai đơn (will + V) => would + V
Question 46: Đáp án C
Cấu trúc: ask sb (not) to do sth: yêu cầu ai (không) làm gì
E.g: I asked him to leave here immediately.
Đáp án C (Ông chủ tôi yêu cầu con trai không được cư xử bất lịch sự,)
Question 47: Đáp án C
- Knowledge (n): kiến thức
- Know (v): biết
- Phía trước có tính từ “wide” (rộng) => Từ cần điền vào là một danh từ
Đáp án C (Clark có kiến thức rộng về nền văn hóa của nhiều nước trên thế giới.)
Question 48: Đáp án D

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