Giao an anh van 8 ky 2(08-09) - 3 cot - Pdf 47

Thiết kế bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 8
The second semester
Tuần 20 Unit 9 : a first aid
Tiết 58:Lesson 1: Getting started + listen
and read
Preparing date:
Teaching date:
* By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to know what they would do the
situation which require first aid.
II. language contents.
ambulance, emergency, medicated, sterile dressing
Future tense.
IIi. Teaching aid:
- Lesson plan,text book,pictures...
Iv. Procedure:
1. Warm up (5)
Teacher Students Content
* Kims game:
- Ask Ss to open their books
and look at the things on
page 80. Tell them these
things are often used for
firs- aid.
- Ask Ss to work in groups of
three or four to discuss :
What you would do in

- Call on some groups to give
their answers and correct.

- A boy has a bad cut on his
+ Firstly, I will wash the cut
with alcohol to sterilize it.
And then I cover it with a
banage. If the cut is really
bad, I will take him to the
neearest clinic.
- A girl has a nose bleed. I
will try to stop her nose
bleeding by letting her head
behind. Then I cover the
bleeding nose with cotton
III 2. Presentation (10)
Teacher Students Content
* Pre- teach
- Checking them:
Slap the board.
* Introduce the
dialogue: We are going to
listen to a conversation
between Lan and a nurse
about emegency. You
listen and answer the qs:

- Give feedback.
- Listen to the tape
and look at the book.
- Answer the qs.
* Answer 1:
a. A girl is talking with a
nurse on the phone.
b. The nurse is at Bach Mai
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ThiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng TiÕng Anh líp 8

• Ask Ss to read the dialogue
again and select the topics
covered in the dialogue.
• - Tell Ss to write their
answers on the sheet of
paper and hand in after
• - Give correct answer.

- Read the dialogue
• - Select the topics
covered in the

-Listen and remember
6. Homework:(3’)
Teacher Students
- Learn by heart some newwords
- Do exercise
-Prepare: Speak
-Listen and write
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ThÞ trÊn Hng Nh©n
ThiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng TiÕng Anh líp 8
TuÇn 20 Unit 9 : a first – aid
TiÕt 59: Lesson 2: Speak

Pr eparing date:
Teaching date:
* By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to know make and respond the
requests, offers and promises.
II. language contents.
- Could/ Would you…?
- Would you like…?
- I promise. I’ll…
IIi. Teaching aid:
- Lesson plan, text book, pictures...
Iv. Procedure:

to my party . How can I
say ?
c. I tell my mother that I will
surely finish my work
before bedtime . How can I
say ?
- Have Ss repeat 2 or 3 times
before writing them on the
board ( underline the key
words )
- Ask Ss to copy down .

- Listen to the T.
- Answer the qs:
- Copy down
* Model sentence:
a. Will you ( please ) get me
a bandage ?
b. Would you like to come to
my party ?
c. I promise I will finish my
homework before bedtime .
=> Concept checking
* Structures:
* To make a request :
Would you ( please ) +
V ……. ?

Don’t forget.
3. While ’ speaking(15’) :
Teacher Students Content
1. Matching :
- Hang the chart with the
statements on the board .
- Ask Ss to look at the
pictures ( page 82 ) and
match the situations with
the statements.
2. Picture Drill :
- Identify the situations in
the pictures
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
* Model :
+Could you give me a
bandage , please ?
+Sure . Here you are
- Call on some pairs to
demonstrate the exchanges
in front of class .

- Look at the chart
- Look at the
pictures ( page
82 ) and match the
situations with the
Group work of 8
– 10 students

* Suggested answers :
Ph¹m ThÞ Th¬m Tr êng THCS
ThÞ trÊn Hng Nh©n
ThiÕt kÕ bµi gi¶ng TiÕng Anh líp 8
- Get Ss in turn to practice
all the exchanges
- Monitor and correct,
encourage Ss to make
sentences for themselves
- Collect their ideas and
write them on the boards

exchanges b. A : Can I get you some
water / medicine ?
B : Yes, please .
c. A : Can I get you some
bandage ?
B : That would be nice
d. A : You must have a
fever . Can I get you some
medicine / water ?
B : NO , I am fine . Thank
you .
e. A : I promise I will not
play soccer in the house
again .
B : I hope so .
5. Consolidation (2’)
Teacher Students

Iv. Procedure:
1. Warm up (5’)
Teacher Students Content
Ph¹m ThÞ Th¬m Tr êng THCS
ThÞ trÊn Hng Nh©n

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